Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Same content, same author, new location! Please follow me to - and click on Blog

Thank you!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

What is there to do in Trujillo, Honduras???

People sometimes say to me...¨What is there to do in Trujillo?¨
Trujillo has it ALL!!! Its where the mountains meet the ocean, so you can do anything...hiking, biking, swimming, paddling, kayaking, fishing. can do nothing at all...and enjoy the company of friends!

Next post...what to do in Honduras! Stay posted!

Lucia relaxing with Chimmie

Appetizers and bevvies at Vino Tinto

Hiking to and swimming at the waterfalls

Paddleboarding while stingrays glide under your board

Early morning hike...Mt Calentura

The peak at Mt Calentura

Movie night at Tranquility Bay...Chimmie loves popcorn!


Betulia River and Cascades

Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner

Boat ride out to Starfish Bay

 So what is there to do??? ANYTHING you want!!! But dont just believe me...come and see!!!